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Configuring Spark applications with Typesafe Config

tutorial scala spark

Complex and generic Spark applications often require input from the user, in order to specify application parameters or the data sources the application should work with. Using command-line arguments is limited. Lightbend’s config library allows to use configuration files in applications written in JVM languages, including Spark applications written in Scala.

Example code for this post is available on Github.

Configuration files VS command-line arguments

One solution is to use command-line arguments when submitting the application with spark-submit. In case of a Scala Spark application packaged as a JAR, command-line arguments are given at the end of the command, as follows:

$ spark-submit [...] myApplication.jar arg1 arg2 arg3

Then, they can be read from within the main method of the application using the args variable. It works similarly in Python for a pyspark application. Command-line arguments work for a small number of simple parameters, but has several disadvantages, as a user:

…and as a developer:

Lightbend’s config library allows to use configuration files in applications written in JVM languages, including Spark applications written in Scala. It solves all problems listed above, and offers many more useful features. The config library itself is written in Java and can be easily imported in a Scala project. Before going further, here is the link to the package Java documentation.

Minimal example

I will first present a minimalistic application that will serve as an example throughout this post. It performs a word count on a text file, filtering out stop words and words with too few occurrences, and outputs the ordered word counts in a CSV file.

In the first version of the application, input and output file names are given as string arguments, the third argument is the minimum number of occurrences to keep a word and the last one is an array of strings containing the stop words that will not be counted. This application can be called as follows:

$ spark-submit --master local[*] --class xyz.florentforest.sparkconfigexample.CmdWordCount target/scala-2.11/sparkconfigexample-assembly-1.0.jar
document.txt output-cmd 3 ["for","in","is","on","the","a","to","and","an","of","if","with","you","or","also","##",\"\"]

The Spark code is printed here:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, not, lower, desc}
import org.apache.log4j.{LogManager, Level}

object CmdWordCount {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
        // Read command-line arguments
        // (ok, you could do better and write a dedicated function or use an external library for argument parsing)
        val inputFile: String = args(0)
        val outputFile: String = args(1)
        val minCount: Int = args(2).toInt
        val stopWords: Array[String] = args(3).stripPrefix("[").stripSuffix("]")

        val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
                                              .appName("Word Count (cmd)")
        import spark.implicits._

        // Business logic
        val document = spark.read.textFile(inputFile)
        val result   = document.flatMap(_.split(" "))
                               .filter(not(lower(col("value")).isin(stopWords: _*)))
                               .filter(col("count") >= minCount)


Note that arguments had to be cast and parsed manually (e.g. using toInt and split). In particular, the empty string "" in the stop words had to be escaped (\"\") because else, the double quotes will be dropped.

Quick set-up of config

The aim of this post is not to provide a comprehensive user guide for config. This information can be found on the Github page and in the official documentation (useful links are listed in the last section). I will just show a quick minimal set-up to get your Spark application running with config in local mode and on a YARN cluster.

Here is the line to add config to your sbt build file in its current version (I personnally use sbt but the library can also be imported with maven or downloaded manually):

"com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.3.2"

In the application, the configuration is an instance of the Config class, loaded using the ConfigFactory class. Without arguments, it loads the configuration file from its default location (application.conf), but we will soon see how to specify the file to the Spark driver and executors.

import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
val conf: Config = ConfigFactory.load()

Configuration file

Here’s our simple configuration file, named wordcount.conf:

file.input  = "document.txt"
file.output = "output-config"
minCount    = 3
stopWords   = ["for", "in", "is", "on", "the", "a", "to", "and", "an", "of", "if", "with", "you", "or", "also", "##", ""]

It consists in a field with two sub-fields for the input and output filenames, an integer field and a list of strings, written in simple JSON syntax.

Settings class

Configuration parameters are accessed using typed getter methods and the path of the parameter. A common solution, recommended by the developers of config, is to create a custom class that will load the configuration and hold the parameter variables, named for example Settings. The advantage is that (1) all the parsing logic is done in this class and not along our business logic, (2) by loading variables as non-lazy fields, all exceptions triggered by the parsing of the configuration file will occur at the very beginning and not after the job has been running for an hour. Here is the Settings class used in the example project:

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

class Settings(config: Config) extends Serializable {
    val inputFile = config.getString("file.input")
    val outputFile = config.getString("file.output")

    val minCount = config.getInt("minCount")
    val stopWords = config.getStringList("stopWords").asScala

In practice, a lot of stuff happens in this class, for example handling optional or complex types. You will often have to use scala.collection.JavaConverters or scala.collection.JavaConversions for converting between Java and Scala types, because config is a Java library. More to this topic in the Additional remarks section.

Code with config

Finally, here is the code of our example application using our configuration file, via the Settings class:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, not, lower, desc}
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}

object ConfigWordCount {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
        // Load configuration into Settings class
        val conf: Config = ConfigFactory.load()
        val settings: Settings = new Settings(conf)

        val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
                                              .appName("Word Count (config)")
        import spark.implicits._

        // Business logic
        val document = spark.read.textFile(settings.inputFile)
        val result   = document.flatMap(_.split(" "))
                               .filter(not(lower(col("value")).isin(settings.stopWords: _*)))
                               .filter(col("count") >= settings.minCount)


Running local and on YARN

When submitting the job, no matter if in local mode or in YARN client or cluster mode, the driver or executors need to be able to access the configuration file. Otherwise, there are two possibilities:

  1. If the application was built with a reference configuration file (reference.conf) in the src/main/resources directory, this one will be used as a default.
  2. Else, you will get the following exception, telling that config cannot find the key file.input we tried to access:
Exception in thread "main" com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No configuration setting found for key 'file.input'

Several arguments to spark-submit are needed to provide the configuration file, depending on the deploy mode. We will address local mode and YARN client and cluster mode.


$ spark-submit --master local[*] [...] --files application.conf --driver-java-options -Dconfig.file=application.conf myApplication.jar

The –files argument allows to ship files with the application code, and the driver java option tells config (running in the driver) the path of our file. For the example application, the command is:

$ spark-submit --master local[*] --class xyz.florentforest.sparkconfigexample.ConfigWordCount --files wordcount.conf
--driver-java-options -Dconfig.file=wordcount.conf sparkconfigexample-assembly-1.0.jar 

YARN client mode

$ spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client [...] --files application.conf --driver-java-options -Dconfig.file=application.conf
--conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=application.conf myApplication.jar

In YARN client mode, we need to add the java option for the executors using the correspondig Spark configuration variable spark.executor.extraJavaOptions. Thus, for our example we have:

$ spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client --class xyz.florentforest.sparkconfigexample.ConfigWordCount --files wordcount.conf
--driver-java-options -Dconfig.file=wordcount.conf --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=wordcount.conf sparkconfigexample-assembly-1.0.jar 

YARN cluster mode

$ spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster  [...] --files application.conf --conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=application.conf
--conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=application.conf myApplication.jar

In cluster mode, the command is the same, excepted that we must use spark.driver.extraJavaOptions instead of –driver-java-options.

$ spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --class xyz.florentforest.sparkconfigexample.ConfigWordCount --files wordcount.conf
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=wordcount.conf --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=wordcount.conf sparkconfigexample-assembly-1.0.jar 

Additional remarks

The config library has a lot of features that are not displayed in this minimalistic example and are not the point of this post. I will cite some of them:

See the doc for more!

Another important point is the conversion between Java and Scala objects. You will often have to use conversions between Java and Scala types, either using .asScala implicits defined in scala.collection.JavaConverters, or conversions from scala.collection.JavaConversions. When you combine complex types such as lists and JSON maps, conversions can get tricky and you sometimes have to extract the underlying Java objects (there’s a method of the Config class called underlying) and convert them manually using .asInstanceOf[...]. Be careful, as it leads to potential runtime errors! This is a drawback of using a Java library in Scala. Note that someone wrote a wrapper of config in pure Scala, I did not have time to try it but it might be the perfect fit.


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